Saturday, October 2, 2010

Pretty in Prague

I am sooooooo in love with Prague! What a magnificent city Prague is - I am totally in love with it! From the moment we arrived I knew I was going to love it - then we were set free to wander around by ourselves for a few hours! This is the only problem with being on a tour that you are locked into a schedule and are time bound, but we are managing to pack in lots and lots of stuff anyway.So off we wandered and were captivated by the beautiful street scapes. Building after beautiful building presented themselves to us! Delightful narrow streets led us to the city square, where towering churches with special clocks and towers towered over us!

After a few hours we decided to find a cafe in the square to have a quiet drink, and found a cafe with seats overlooking the square and the astronomical clock. As we sat there a crowd started to gather around the clock, so we asked does something special happen and were told that when the clock strikes the hour it does all sorts of wonderful things - so we have front row seats for the exciting event - which I might add was a bit of a let down...but it doesn't matter "we were there" when it happened.

After a good night's rest we were up early the next morning to go on a guided tour of the town, which was fascinating - pity I can't remember a thing the guide said but it was interesting anyway! We walked from the top of the town from the largest palace (in the world - I think!!!) which is actually a town in itself, down the narrow streets and over the most beautiful bridge to our destination.

PRAGUE is my most favourite place in the world so far (except for Israel - but in a different way!) and will return one day to spend a lot more time - but I might have to wait a few years (to save up!!)

Night life in Prague!

From the Charles Bridge!

From the Charles Bridge! Stunning!
I guess you get the picture about my Prague feelings - so here are some pictures of beautiful Prague!!

I am hoping and praying that all is well with you. I think of you all at different times, and at "odd" times, but I do think of you! Family, friends, colleagues - May the Lord bless and keep you in his loving care. Chris (David is asleep - he's very tired!!)

A couple of the vehicles around town!

The Astronomical Clock


  1. Hi Chris
    Thanks so much for the post and pics. I really enjoy reading your updates, and David's too, from his perspective.
    Life goes on as normal here - just off to church then school starts tomorrow! Ah well....
    Much love

  2. Hey Chris and David

    I'm with you. Prague is one of my favourite cities. Rich in history, buildings, texture, art movements cemetries ... this is such an exciting journey you guys are on.

  3. Hi Chris and David. I am loving your blog. Was disappointed for a few days not to receive an update, until I realised that there was a heading for "October". It is lovely having photos to look at as we go along. Prague looks wonderful. Magda will be pleased to hear you are there. We are having dinner with them on Saturday night. Things are all going well here. Have sent an email to Beth and Chris tonight to see how they all are. Mum has a new cat. Lots of love to you both. Sue
