Sunday, October 24, 2010

Happy Birthday to me!!

We had arrived in Amsterdam the day before my birthday after travelling many many kilometres via the Zuiderzee from Hamburg. We were dropped off on the top of the dyke for a look around and once outside the bus our lives were in extreme not from marauders, murderers or traffic...but rather the gale force winds whipping up and over the dyke and making it very difficult to walk vertically.  
Brrr! on top of the dyke!
We had to go up and over the bridge to the other side (as you do when on the top of a dyke) and this was very difficult indeed, you had to hang on tight to the hand rail and pull yourself over the bridge. This wind would drive you mad very very quickly. It was truly good to be back on the bus! Yikes on the dykes - you can keep them!!

In Amsterdam we all had a "little" look around the red light district, which I believe you have to do when in Amsterdam. It was quite disturbing and unsettling and a bit sad, although David thought the girls looked "friendly". I can now cross this off the list of things to do. But what did amaze me was the huge church slap bang in the middle of the red light district. I don't know if it was operating but I trust that it provides solace and help where needed in that place.

Clogs at the clog museum - one has to see clogs in
Holland! Pretty clogs....

Don't you love these buildings??? They make me think of "Cat
in the Hat"!

Hundreds of boats along the canals. Great mode of transport!!
But...what a lovely day I had for my birthday (22nd October). If started with a canal cruise around the habour then into the little canals that surround the inner city of Amsterdam. It was a delight to see the many different boats that people use along the canals and the beautiful buildings (although slightly skewed - because of unstable foundations?? - buildings leaning percariously with windows out of whack! Very cute!)
This cruise lasted about an hour and dropped us off near the Rijk's Museum. What a wonderful array of artworks...HEAVEN for us! Rembrandt and Vermeer were my favourites with the Night Watch being the piece de resistance. Stunning, although it was a little disturbing that at some time in the 18 century this painting was reduced in size by cutting off bits so that it would fit in a particular place.  Aghhhh!!! Vermeer's beautiful work with light astounded you moved further away from the painting the brighter it became! HOW DO THEY DO THAT!! Rembrandt with his little touches of white paint on collars and sleeves make them come alive. Gorgeous!

Birthday lunch alongside the the freezing cold. Although as one friend keeps reminding us..."the only problem with the
weather is what you wear"! This is me and my $50 Aldi Down Jacket which is as warm as toast, not even the gale force (below zero) Zuiderzee wind could get through this baby.

One of the many bridges over the canals...very pretty!

Anyway, after the museum (it was hard to leave even after three hours!) and find a place for lunch. We wandered the lovely little lanes along side the canals and finally found a little (Italian) cafe down some very narrow steps. We chose our meals, (non) gluten spaghetti for me (I'm okay!!) and gourmet sandwich for David. The waitress asked if we would like to sit downstairs or upstairs (gorgeous little spiral staircase!)  but we wanted to sit outside alongside the canal. She laughed and said okay. We didn't understand why she laughed..until after we had been sitting there for a while and people were looking at us funnily, we twigged that people who live in Amsterdam do not sit outside in the freezing cold to eat lunch. It was cold but we persevered and had a lovely lunch. We then wandered through the streets of Amsterdam and back to the pick up point to go back to the hotel.

It was delightful...and a memorable birthday.


  1. Hi Chris, lovely to read of your latest travels. Did you manage to get to Anne Franks house in Amsterdam while you were there? Sounds like you had a lovely, if cold birthday. Thanks for the postcard - we received it today and were thrilled that you thought of us. Keep up the great blogging - I don't always comment, but I check regularly to make sure I don't miss the latest updates.
    Love Fiona.

  2. Hi Chris, I tried to send a message for your birthday but instead I created another account!!! I have got it worked out now - I think. I did SMS you hoping you might have your phone on you. Anyway I'm glad you had a nice birthday. It sounds like you had a wonderful day. Was thinking of you. Lots of love Al, Mark & Georgia xxxx
