Monday, October 18, 2010

Poland "the surprise package"

We've been everywhere (in Poland!) man! We have managed to criss cross much of Poland in search of our family's villages, and seen some amazing countryside and lovely towns and villages. I (Chris) have loved Poland and have been surprised at it's beauty. We even got up to the Baltic Sea at one point visiting (our) most northern village of Kamein (I'll have to check the spelling as I have put my Polish maps away)!

One of the loveliest cities we spent time in was Poznan (Posen in German - many of our forebears came from around this area). With its little town square (the steps of the town hall being the scene of the 1988 (?) worker's revolution) with its gorgeous buildings of one window wide. These were the houses of the poor who could not afford to build homes of more than one window - two windows was for the wealthy??!!??

It doesn't take long to wander around the square but around every corner there is something wonderful to see.

Some of the beautifully restored buildings in the town square of Poznan.
These buildings are one (or two if they were wealthier) window wide
and multicoloured.

The worker's revolution on the steps of the town hall in Poznan!

The town hall where all the action happened!

More of the town square..we were there early in the morning
and found the cleaners cleaning up from the big night before!


  1. Happy Birthday To You
    Happy Birthday To You
    Happy Birthday dear Chris
    Happy Birthday To You.

    Lots of love everyone at MECS

  2. Poland! what a great birthday present. Enjoy!
    So fascinating ...

  3. Happy birthday Chris! It'll be one to remember I expect.
    Love your commentary on Poland. What a history!
    Miss you
