Saturday, October 9, 2010

Kahn Fahrt(ing) around!

I (Chris) am recovering from a cold (which has very "kindly" circulated around the bus) and have not had the energy to BLOG -  so will have to miss a few days. Things that we will need to remember to tell you about when we get home include:

- Wartburg Castle (where Luther was "squirrelled" away under another name, because he was wanted by the authorities, and where he translated the new testament from Greek into German in 10 WEEKS.)
- The Bach Museum in Eisenach (many of Bach's instruments were exhibited there and we had a "little" concert featuring some of the pianos, harpsicords, etc.)
- Luther House in Eisenach - where Luther used to live (David bought a pair of Luther socks - with "Here I Stand" written on them. (Not Luther's personal socks of course!!)
- Buchenwald Concentration Camp on the way to Leipzig - which David will need to fill you in on anyway as it was far too distressing for me. I stood in the doorway of the cremetorium but could go no further as I was overwhelmed by the terrible evil pertetrated here!
- Colditz Castle - which was a castle used for British prisoners who kept escaping. They had a museum dedicated to the inventive ways the men managed to escape - although most of them were recaptured.
- St Thomas Kirchke - were Bach was a cantor and home to St Thomas Boys Choir (although didn't hear them when we were there! (Bach composed something for each Sunday service for many years. Not sure how he had time with his 20 children!!????!!!!)

But I will tell you about the little Kahn Fahrt (boat ride) in the canals of the Spreewald. What a delightful way to spend an afternoon floating around the many kilometres of canals in the Spreewald. We were in boats with picnic tables (of all things) and around each corner was another interesting thing to see (people live along these canals and get to and from their house in boats). Our little boats were propelled around these canals by a lady and a pole. She certainly earned her "bikkies" that day as we were "poled" around for about 11/2 hours. It was sooooo relaxing and wonderful (although I did check our captain "pole" lady for fatigue every so often to make sure she wasn't going to "cark" it on us! But she seemed to hardly work up a sweat!) We made a couple of stops along the way to canalside markets - who were selling, pickles (of course!), beer and "Gluhwein" which is a type of mulled warm/hot wine. So, of course you do as the Speewald"ers" do and have Gluhwein as you float along the canal. Delightful!

At our canalside stop for a cup of Gluhwein!

Looks like I've already partaking in too much Gluhwein!!

One of the many homes along the canals in the Spreewald! These homes are usually
only occupied in the Summer and Spring as the canals freeze over in Winter. Although
once the canals are frozen, people can skate around on them. Very convenient!

Duckies everywhere! (I couldn't help but think of Wind in the Willows and "Floating along"...Ratty and Toad!! Very pleasant way to spend an afternoon.

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