Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wailing at the wall

Dear friends, the Israel part of our journey ended yesterday - sadly! Both of us have been deeply moved by this country, its wonderful people particulary the disaffected Palestinians in Bethlehem. We were saddened and angered by the wall (some 8 metres high) that now separates Jerusalem from Bethlehem and the fact that the Palestinians have to apply to visit their relatives in Jerusalem and "may" be given permission to visit for a few hours. If they are not back within the time given they can be thrown into jail and made to pay to be released. It was heart breaking to see these people suffering.

Going up the cable car to top of Massada-Herod's palace ruins all along top of this single mountain!
First photo looking down from top of cable car

In 42 degree heat we travelled south to Massada the site of the zealot revolt against Herod and the Romans. 960 Jewish zealots fled Jerusalem after the Romans destroyed the temple to Herod's palace (custom built in Massada - but never used - but well supplied including 8 million gallons of water brought up the mountain by slaves and put into  underground cisterns!) Herod sent a legion of soldiers to destroy them. There were 8 Roman camps around the beseiged mountain. The Jewish zealots lasted three years (5 year supply of food and water at Massada!) before the Romans built a huge earth ramp up the side of the mountain to attack them. The zealots would repell them with rocks rolled off the walls. When the Romans finally entered Massada, they found that most of the zealots (inc women & children) had suicided rather than surrender to slavery under the Romans. A monument to the pride & power of the Roman empire and the Zealots fight for freedom.

Next swimming (well actually floating) in the Dead Sea- very good for the skin-but not the mouth or eyes!

David can't sink! Jack Kuehne in foreground-floating as well!
We finished our time in Jerusalem with a visit to the Western Wall (known as the Wailing Wall). Men and women were separated and each went to either end of the wall - separated by a partition. At first I (Chris) thought it would be rude to touch the wall with the women around me (Jewish) wailing inconsolably! But then I felt moved to move foward toward the wall and then close enough to touch it - which I did - then the tears began to flow as I realised that Jesus had been at this very place - my Jesus. It was a very special moment for me!
I (David) went to the men's section and watched reverently-very powerful scene-the wall of Solomon's temple! I took photos (sensitively) to capture the moment for Yr 11 Religion & Society back home. Old men& young boys, rich&poor, fully garbed up &just street clothes, loud chanting &silent prayer, just hands on the wall & one man next to me, shabby dusty coat yammulke(?) with his cheek pressed hard against the ancient stones of Solomon's temple wall! I had all sorts of mixed feelings - a profound moment, rich in the history of this amazingly complex ancient "religious" city.

We then wandered the streets and lanes of Jersalem and found some great shops, had coffee and sweets and worked our way back to the hotel in preparation to leave Israel. Sadness mixed with excitement as we now move onto the next part of the journey. Special Christian farewells & blessings to our guide Naim & driver, Subhi.

Flight from Tel Aviv back to Frankfurt...arrived late in evening then coach trip to town of Rudesheim (on the Rhine). Today walked the streets of this quaint old German town....tidy (very!), lots of eating places, interesting shops, cobbled streets&lanes....then most of the day on a river cruise through the "Middle Rhine" region. Many 12th century castles along the way, vineyards high up the steep slopes (mainly riesling etc..) Beautiful weather sunny 25degrees on top viewing deck of the large ferry....5+ hours of relaxed sight seeing, photos, eating, talking, laughing, drinking ! and home for sleep. Then dinner and the blog! Pictures to add's too late already! Chris has gone to pack for early leave tomorrrow... while I finish & that girl!
Shalom, David (& Chris)


  1. Whew! 42C at Masada doesn't sound comfortable at all. Hopefully it was cooler at the top. But what an amazing place.
    Are you in culture shock now?
    Guten Abend from

  2. Hi Chris and David. Have just caught up with your travel blog. Have loved hearing about the history of where you have been. Fascinated to hear of the work that Lutherans are doing in the Holy Land. Told you that you would not be able to resist taking photos of everything that you have seen. I'm looking forward to the next instalment. Love to you both. Sue and Garry

  3. I'm feeling the heat with you!! I was there in mid July and it was mid 40's every day. I'm sure you are enjoying the slightly cooler weather in Europe. I'm loving reading your blog and seeing your wonderful photos. I'm fondly reminiscing actually, even though it's been 21 years since I was there, so thank you!! Looking forward to hearing more. Fiona
