Hi everyone, Chris here again. We are a bit behind in our blogs, so we will try to blog about the important bits.
Last Friday, we arrived at Oberammagau in the morning and had some time to look around the town before the Passion Play started at 2.30 pm. We, along with 1,998 other members of the audience, piled into the Passion Play Theatre. We were excited about our seats being in the middle, with a perfect view to the stage - that was until the lady in front sat down and her head remained in my central view for the entire play (all 5 hours). But that aside, the play began...for some unknown reason I was slightly surprised when the performers in the Play started to speak in German (duh!) but we were given a text in Enligh to follow, which was very helpful.
The stage was decorated simply at first glance with a large structure in the middle to represent Jerusalem with the wall on either side. We were soon to find out that this stage could hold the entire cast of some many hundreds and the central structure would open and close to reveal "stills" beautifully colourful and represented a scene from the old testament eg Crossing the red sea. It was amazing as they managed to change scenes in a relatively short time to reveal a very elaborate scene each time.
Each scene was introduced by a narrator and choir. The choir and the music were something to behold. Even though you couldn't understand what they were saying the music spoke volumes. It was beautiful and voices filled the auditorium and were sublime - I was totally enthralled by the music (bought the CD!!)
Once the characters came on stage again I was enthralled by the dialogue between each of the characters. Jesus (although blonde) was very believable as were all the characters. The Gospel flowed forth and while I had to read the text and then look up (around a certain head) it was relatively easy to follow along. I loved having the Gospel unfold in front of me. In this particular Passion Play there was an emphasis was on Judas and the part he played in the Gospel story, and he was very convincing even to the hanging scene.
The Pilate character was brilliant and you could feel the contempt he felt for these "JEWS" and what a bother Jesus was to him. Herod came on stage at one point along with "two" very real camels and riding a horse. Stunning!
The most moving part of the play was the crucifixion scene, which I was fortunately able to see as is was on the side of the stage. It was rivetting as Jesus (beaten, bloodied and broken) came on stage carrying a very large cross. It was extremely well performed and I was totally in the moment - feeling the grief of sending my Lord to the cross (feeling teary as I write). The cross complete with Jesus (somehow) nailed, was raised to its full height. Stunning! (Meanwhile the weather had changed and was freezing cold and raining - the stage is not under cover!!) Jesus along with the two thieves were hanging there for many minutes as the dialogue continued below them. Then came the moment when they took Jesus down from the cross - it was so beautifully done and so moving as they climbed up ladders from either side of the cross and draped cloth over and around the now dead (fantastic acting!) Christ, and lowered him onto the shoulder of a man who climbed down the ladder with him. He then carried him over to the waiting arms of Mary, who cradled him in her arms. I wepted!! I weep!!!
What a beautiful experience (all 5 hours of it)! If you get the opportunity to go - GO!!!!!!!!!!!
That's all today, and there are no pictures (you'll have to wait for the book)!
Blessings and again thanks for reading the blog!! Love, Chris
Wow Chris! Fantastic! Throat is choking up as I read your description(shame about the bad hat lady. What is it about short people and seating?)