Monday, December 20, 2010

Snow...we love snow!

We farewelled Rome...relunctantly, and headed to the airport to catch our flight to Stockholm (via Frankfurt). This is our third time in Frankfurt so it is becoming quite's very big!!!!

We arrived in Sweden at about 3.30 pm and it was pitch black outside (the sun sets early here in Winter) and there was snow everywhere! SNOW! and more SNOW! It was magical! Although I did find out very quickly that my "only" pair of shoes suitable for snow are very very slippery in the snow. Hmmm! This will be interesting.
Two SNOW bunnies??!!!???

Anders picked us up from the airport and took us somewhere about 30 minutes away, and there was Marga (Chris worked with Marga for many years at MECS) and their two children Carl (4) and Anna (2). It was wonderful to see our dear friends again after 18 months or so. They have moved over to Stockholm to follow work for Anders...who is the director of the MC (motor cycle) Collection - for the design of Motor Cycles.

Unfortunately, I had picked up a head cold in Rome, so I was not feeling at all well for the first three - four days, which seriously restricted our activities. Although we did go out for short walks here and there.

Carl and Chris at Christmas brekky!

The following day we were invited to attend Anders parents (early) Christmas celebration breakfast which was delightful, with typical swedish treats...including Marzipan pigs (with chocolate bottoms). I thought Christina (Anders Mum) said Marzipan when I bit into one I was slightly disappointed that there was no figs to be seen (or tasted), but then the penny dropped when I realised it was in the shape of a pig...duh!!! The other treat that I am now slightly addicted to is Swedish Crack...hello my name is Christine Paech and I am addict. Swedish Knack, translated means Crack, is a toffee...but not a hard toffee, but rather a gooey, creamy, sticky yummy toffee, here's a recipe for you

Marga and Ander's home is very close to forests, lakes (now frozen), farms, shopping, train stations and so much more. They "go" skiing or skating any time they get the opportunity during winter. I believe that summer is also very beautiful here in Stockholm. We were thoroughly enthralled by the beautiful environment.

Marga and Anna in their winter playground!

On our last day we took the train into the old part of the city of Stockholm where we wandered around the shops and lovely old buildings. we walked across a very high walkway to a tower which overlooked the city and port which was lovely as the night lights twinkled and reflected off the snow. It was only 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Very eerie!

Getting around in Marga's car...David in the middle with
the kids! Very cool.
Magical forests!


  1. Goodness, Marga really doesn't change, does she. Must have been a huge culture shock, going from Australia to Sweden - she looks pretty happy.

  2. By the way Chris, the Crack sounds delicious - I've written down the recipe and I'm determined to make some this week for Christmas. I'll let you know how they go.
